When I did a prospective diary a while back, I wrote it the evening before. This morning, I decided to do a prospective diary about the upcoming day. It's amazing to me how powerful simple intention is. "When one is committed, providence moves" to clear the path for what we have in our sights to materialize. The thing is, it's easy to get sidetracked and lose focus on what it is that we want to create. There are countless things in life that pull our attention to create in a different way than what we might really want. But when I have concrete things I've chosen to expect, I don't lose sight of what I want in the middle of a really busy day.
We are the expressions of the ideations of God, and we are creators in God's image. Like God, what we imagine comes to pass, whether it's our idea or someone else's we're holding on to. For me, committing my idea to paper clarifies what I want and gives me a point of reference to return to when I get distracted. I noticed a number of times today that when I felt myself losing focus on the things I had chosen to create for today, I remembered the prospective diary and my intention was reset in that moment.
While some of my experiences with a prospective diary have been dramatic, today the day unfolded gently but was no less powerful. A few times I felt myself leaning toward a knee-jerk reaction, and remembered the choices I made for today, in the diary. That quickly, my experience shifted to one of my choosing. Thank you, God, for my remembering!
May this tool me a blessing. . .
It's easy to forget that just "remembering" is a blessing. I can't remember who it was that said "life is just a series of forgetting and rembering." Thank you for reminding me!