Friday, January 15, 2010


The situation in Haiti reminded me of how important it is for us to be mindful not only of what we're creating on a personal level, but also of the part we play in creating the consciousness on our planet. It's easy for me to go days without watching the news, and I heard about the earthquake from coworkers. Without really meaning to, I get busy and distanced from what is happening outside of my own small circle.

But each of us contributes to how events unfold in our world. We collectively set the tone for how this world evolves. The planet needs our positive attention. Our ultimate destination is never in question, but how we get there is formed by what each of us is holding as truth moment-to-moment. Each time we proactively choose faith over fear in our own lives, we send out ripples that affect the planet and every living being. Every thought weaves another thread into the fabric of ongoing creation. What we think in mind is produced in kind.

There are many ways we can help heal the world, but I decided to use the tool of intention. Intention is asking the God within us for something. It's a form of prayer. I know that when I ask I am answered, without fail. The universe cannot act in any other way. The trick is believing that what you ask will be answered, rather than believing the "thought behind the thought," which we're often not aware of, and is usually something like "but. . ." or "I can't really see how that will happen." When it appears that there is no way possible, we are answered. If enough of us remember and really trust that, a quantum shift will happen. I believe it's happening now.

The planet throughout history has had periods of great change and chaos stemming from leaps in the consciousness of humanity. And periods of change are very messy, personally and on a global scale. When things are the most difficult, it's very hard to believe we will be answered. What we believe, we are asking for, consciously or not. When we ask for something, we have made a choice; it is already done. The God consciousness that is everywhere responds. If we believe the chaos we are choosing it, and that is what we experience. If we trust the order behind it and that humanity's destination is never in question, we create a different world.

So I send my intention out into the fabric of creation that all of the world's beings manifest themselves in truth, as their very highest expression of God. In that instant fear dissolves, and my awareness expands to accommodate a world where this is so.

And so it must be.

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