Wednesday, April 14, 2010


We all want peace, between nations, between strangers, and in our close relationships.  We want peace within ourselves especially.  It often seems that if only circumstances outside of us were different, our lives would finally be different, and we could get some peace.  If my family members were all doing well, if the economy weren't such a mess, if there were different politicians running the country, if my kids were grown and out of the house, if my boss (or my spouse) weren't such a lunk-head, if drivers weren't so rude (the list is endless), then I might find a tranquil moment in my life.

But the world we experience is an ongoing reflection of what is taking place within us.  The amount of peace that we are able to find is directly proportional to the nature of our thoughts and beliefs.  Awareness of this truth really can set us free.

If I accept that all I see in the world is mirroring my beliefs, then I can challenge my thoughts and change  my experience.  I exercise my power in designing my reality when I choose to live in peace.  Every less-than-peaceful person or situation I encounter is a perfect teacher, once I get past the resisting and fussing over how the world is not behaving according to my expectations, for me to choose how I want to show up.  At some point, hopefully more sooner than later, I remember to stop and ask myself, have I done or am I doing something similar?  And I try to work on that.  Our interactions with others provide a mirror in which to see the still-learning places in ourselves that we would not necessarily see otherwise.

It is said, as within, so without.  I'm learning that it's never about the other person.   It's always about me, and what I have yet to remember about choosing my best and highest expression of the God within.  I try to be grateful for the events in my life that seem to rob me of my peace, because they provide such perfect opportunities for me to remember that I can at any moment choose the peace that is the truth of me.  I may have been waiting many years, or many lifetimes, to come to just this moment, where I can stand in opposition to another's choices or expression, and then choose instead to forgive us both.  Even when we are expressing less than our highest, we are all heroes.  Our armor may at times get dented and rusty, but it never stops reflecting the light.

Peace stems from the decisions that I make every day about how I label my experiences in the world.  As those decisions nurture peace in my heart, they promote peace in the world as well.  Let there be peace in my heart.

May this tool be a blessing. . .


  1. Great insight Sherry, I think we can spend far too much time thinking about what other people should or shouldn't do! This can lead us to the point you mentioned.

    "If my family members were all doing well, if the economy weren't such a mess, if there were different politicians running the country, if my kids were grown and out of the house, if my boss (or my spouse) weren't such a lunk-head, if drivers weren't so rude (the list is endless), then I might find a tranquil moment in my life."

    Happiness is something we live not something to look forward to. Thanks for your inspirational blog!


  2. Very well written Sherry. Introspection is an excellent tool to see things differently. There is no such thing as outer peace.

  3. Wonderful insights Sherry. I love your statement: "The amount of peace that we are able to find is directly proportional to the nature of our thoughts and beliefs."

    This is so true. Though, most of us have been taught to look outside of ourselves for peace, happiness, or anything else we desire. But people like you are helping to spread the word - the Truth - that it's all an "inside" job!

    Thank you for what you're doing. All your posts are excellent!

  4. I agree completely. So often people are "searching" for an answer in their lives but everything begins within ourselves, peace is no different if we all choose to be more peaceful the world will become more peaceful.

    I'm very involved with a cause that's trying to change the world in this way. It's called "I Take the Vow" & the vow is for peace & non-violence. Here's the website:



  5. Hi Sherry,

    Thank you for your comment on my post on inner peace. We go along thinking we're OK and then suddenly find we've been satisfied with the wrong things.

    It's always nice to get to know others who are seekers, and your blog is well-done and helpful. I've added you to my blogroll and hope you will keep returning to The Light in the Woods.

  6. Beautifully stated! You make the concept seem so simple and fundamental... and it is. But somehow we seem to forget so easily.

    I love the driving example, because for me, it's so indicative of where I am spiritually. When I find myself weaving through traffic trying to get past all the "annoying" drivers to reach that blissfully perfect stretch of highway where everyone is driving the way I think they "should" be driving, then I know that I have turned outward for peace. And, I simply don't find it there. When I decide I want to be peaceful inside, I usually drive a little slower, am accepting of changing with the flow of traffic and don't really notice the things that might otherwise "annoy" me. And so it is with the rest of my life, too.

  7. This is poetic and wise... my peace is challenged from time to time by what I see. Right now, a most beautiful pristine woodland and watershed is being destroyed by Big Gas who came in - bought and sold government and business in the name of profits. Sold the soul of the earth to mine for gas - the results of which are polluting trout streams and rivers and raping the land. How can I feel peace when the earth I love is being forsaken.

    Yes, I can look past it... I can say this is how it is and so how it is meant to be... or I can cry for the loss and the lost souls who are behind it. I think that's what I'll do... I'll cry a prayer for those involved to find peace.

  8. Hi Sherry,
    Beautifully put. This thing we call peace is not at all dependent on outer conditions and circumstances. It is the underlying state we feel when acceptance is complete.

    I sincerely thank you for contributing to the peace picture. World peace is attainable but it begins (and ends) with each of us and our commitment to live in peace, with ourselves and others.

    Peace and blessings to you.
