Saying yes is that magical state where we accept what is happening in any given moment without resistance. Saying yes to the present moment is an even more vitalizing tool than acceptance, which is a very powerful tool in and of itself. But saying yes can elevate our experience from acceptance to enthusiasm.
It is inherent in the dualistic nature of our existence that in our minds we label our experiences as good or bad, or the people we encounter as right or wrong; our thinking tends to be very black and white. This is part of divine intelligence at work, and serves us in our coming to know ourselves. But we tend to oppose the "bad" things, and the "wrong" things, and that opposition shuts down the joy of just being here, alive in this moment and open to all that is good and right.
Work has been very busy lately. Yesterday I counseled 15 patients, which is alot for one day. By yesterday afternoon I was starting to feel like "enough, already." When I get into that kind of resistance, I'm just trying to get through, and not doing my best for myself or the patients. I'm definitely not enjoying my moments.
By God's grace I remembered to change my mind, and say yes. Yes, I am here in this moment. Yes, I'm doing my best, and that is good enough. Yes, this job that I have loved for many years makes me crazy sometimes. Yes, I am an ongoing contradiction of wants and fears and perfect knowing and peace. And yes, it is all here for me to express myself within.
I felt my body take a deep breath, expressing its own perfect knowing. And in that second I smiled, as I was filled with gratitude for all of it. I am repeatedly impressed by how instantaneously and completely changing my mind changes my experience. Changing my mind is a prayer answered.
The best part is that I finished my work day feeling alot of enthusiasm about having the opportunity to be doing what I love, interacting with interesting people, and making a difference in my own way. It really is amazing what happens when I stop fighting what is.
I love how Eckhart Tolle puts it in his book, Stillness Speaks
We can't change what comes to us; people will do what they do and situations will come up as they must. That really doesn't have anything to do with us. But we can bring ourselves fully to where we are, and know that within everything is a seed of grace.
Here's to being here, and all that comes with it: yes, yes, a thousand times yes!
May this tool be a blessing. . .