Wednesday, July 28, 2010

No Worries

I noticed during my recent vacation that they say "no worries" alot in Hawaii.  I really liked that.  When we arrived at the airport on Kauai, it was just after 10:30 p.m.  I asked the rental car agent what time they close, and she said, "We close at 10:30."  When I responded with, "Oh no, we're keeping you,"  her instantaneous and chipper "no worries" put me immediately at ease.  I can be a pretty good worrier, so her genuinely kind response turned what could have been a grumpy start to the vacation of two weary travelers into a very welcoming one.

It's always interesting for me when in the classes that I teach I ask people how much time they spend worrying about things that never happen.  We often don't even realize that we do this, so people in classes are usually surprised when they think about it.  I am aware that I worry at times without even having proof that the situation warrants it; but awareness or not, I still worry.  It's one of those things that does seem to get better with age, as I experience that the sky never falls, but somehow stays right where it belongs.

I happened upon a quote that's fitting: "Worry is like a rocking chair.  It gives you something to do but it doesn't get you anywhere."  How true.  People in my classes often say that a large percentage of the things they worry about never actually occur.  In the meantime, that worry creates stress, diminishes our quality of life, causes illness, and steals our moments. 

Worry is borne of fear, and as such I see it as forgetting - that the outcome is never in question, that we are the sole creators of our experience, and that all exists as part of a divine consciousness that is flawless in its design.  We experience so much more joy when we put our energy into affirming all of the good that exists in this moment. 

There are many ways to develop a "no worries" outlook.  Certainly the spiritual tools discussed in this blog and elsewhere help bring us to truth, where worry is unnecessary.  Some people actually spend 10 minutes or so every day worrying about every single thing they can imagine, in order to get it over with, so to speak.  I've heard that this can be helpful.  For me, meditation, and turning it all over to God, help me remember that God within me is the only truth.  My husband likes to point out that when we keep our attention in the present, we really can't worry.  Worry is usually over something out in the future.  And in this moment, right now, all is well.

I teach to remember, and so I was grateful in this morning's class to again be able to present to others the possibility that living without worry is not irresponsible, or dangerous.  Living without worry, or fear,  is allowing divine intelligence to work though us and for us.  In doing so, we give others permission to do the same.

May this tool be a blessing. . .

1 comment:

  1. Ah, worry as forgetting...
    That is deeply profound.

    Your words here give so much to consider... live
    Thank you -- for helping me remember....

    All's grace,
    Ann Voskamp
    Contributing Editor @ High Calling Blogs
