Sunday, February 27, 2011

Owning Your Abundance

I am struck sometimes when I consider the magnitude of the abundance that upholds this human experience.  Abundance is an inherent part of the divine consciousness that conceived of and maintains all of existence.

We could never be less than wholly abundant beings.  Life in its infinitely perfect way provides the challenges and the forgetting that support us in choosing to claim the abundance that is our birthright.  Our abundance expresses in our unlimited ability to create our experience.  What we envision, and hold as truth, we will manifest.  It is very hard for the human part of us to grasp the creative power of that.

That we are unlimited creators made in God's image, and can bring into being anything that we can imagine, is a miracle and a great joy.  It is also the guidepost for my own life's journey, as it is for many.

In my fledgling steps toward realizing the absolute truth of our human divinity, I think the most grace-ful thing that I have learned is that, paradoxically, creating is best done out of effort.  In fact, the less effort there is, the better it works.  I am very good at pushing, forcing, exerting my will, and worrying and fussing until I make something happen.  It is the habit that I fall back to when fear takes over and I begin reacting.  It's my default position, and also a very big waste of energy.  And it gets in the way of creating.

We are meant to envision our dreams, and then allow them to manifest; that is all.  That means trusting and letting go.  The things that I've most doubted I could create, but did, are the ones that I had to release to God within me, over and over and over again.  From many great teachers I have learned that it is not I, but God within me, that does the work.

In the end, abundance is having complete faith in the truth that as we ask we will be answered.  We likely won't be able to predict exactly each step of how it's going to happen.  But our intention is a knock on the door of infinite creative consciousness, and it is always opened unto us.

Abundance in this life comes from believing that we already possess that we desire.  There is nothing that separates us from our dreams.  Once we decide what it is that we really want, all we need do is step back and let it come.

This truth sits squarely in the middle of my most fundamental beliefs, but that doesn't mean I remember it always.  But I remember it often, and every time is a gift.  Every time I fear that maybe this is the time it won't work, maybe this is the time when I've come to the end of what I can do, or be or have in this life, but it does come to pass because I've released the limiting beliefs to the light of creation within me, my trust grows stronger for the next time.

So tonight I am, as always, grateful for the forgetting that allows me to remember.

May you own the limitless creative consciousness within you, and may this tool be a blessing. . .

1 comment:

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