Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Allowing Others Their Hero's Journey

In order to fully experience our own hero’s journey, we must allow others to walk their own sacred path. As a mother, wife, teacher and generally concerned member of society, focusing on my own stuff and leaving others to theirs is not always easy to do.

My children are adults now, and it takes a great deal of talking to myself to remember that when they’re having money issues or health concerns, or whatever else it might be, they don’t need me to jump in with all of my motherly advice. It’s amazing how hard it is for me to stop myself in those moments. I feel literally pulled to help, and to fix, because I don’t want them to hurt in any way.

As much as I see them as smart and infinitely capable human beings, and know them without question as perfect expressions of God, still, in my forgetting, I feel pulled to intervene. Honestly, I do this a lot, at home and at work, with family, friends, and patients.

When I look back over my own life’s challenges, I see without exception that getting through the biggest ones made me who I am today, and nurtured in me the things that I am most proud of. Each of us creates just the right obstacles that we need to move us along on our soul’s purpose of knowing God within us.

I know that my forgetting is a part of me that is separated from truth, and mistakenly believes that my loved ones, or anyone else, can be separated from their highest good. It is a part of myself that mistakenly believes that I can run things better than God can, or that somehow maybe God forgot just this one thing, and needs my help. Silly, I know, but that really is the heart of it.

When I jump in and try to impose my opinions onto someone else’s process, I am making the assumption that they are unable to handle it on their own, and I am helping promote that belief in them also.  Nothing could be farther from the truth.

Directing another’s path not only perpetuates the false belief that they are unable to manage on their own, but it keeps me from my own path as well. Sometimes we use staying busy with other people’s issues to keep us from being fully present and responsible for what we’re creating on our own hero’s journey. I’d much rather be here for my own life.

So once again, in my remembering, I choose to release my concerns for anyone else’s creations, and allow them the space to walk their hero’s journey in grace. And I give myself permission to be joyfully present and engaged in my own.

May this tool be a blessing. . .

Monday, January 14, 2013

Giving Life to Your Dreams

The new year is a time of hope for our dreams.  Every January, we step into that time when the slate feels more clear, even if conditions are mostly the same as they had been in December.  People feel drawn to create resolutions to do things better, or to make the new year more meaningful or fulfilling in some way.  It is at this time more than at any other time of year that many feel inspired to take a step up in what they can do or have.  I love the holiday season and the new year for many reasons, but mostly because we are more open to possibilities.

People may or may not follow through with their resolutions, but the important part is the dream itself.  Just being open to the possibility that we can create what we envision for ourselves is a very powerful consciousness.  

When we are even slightly open to manifesting our good, even if we previously hadn't been able to figure out how to make it happen, we trust in a universe that always delivers what we expect.  The divine consciousness that we embody is just waiting to provide all of our heart's desires.  We just need to find the place in our heart that is open to the possibility, know it is done, and then do our active part in moving toward it.

I'm finding on my own path, as I glimpse in tiny pieces and in fits and starts the possibility of myself as God, that taking action toward my dreams is the easier part.  Staying connected to the quiet voice within that knows without any doubt what I want and need, what's mine to do in every situation to create the highest outcome for myself and everyone involved, and my inherent capacity to do all of it (and knows this with completely peaceful and joyful ease), is more challenging!

Life is busy, and for me hearing God within means making time to create a relationship with her.  She is always here, but I can't know her quiet, powerful, resonant presence if I don't stop every day and be alone with her, without any distractions.  I can say hello to her quickly in the midst of my day, just to say, "Thank you, God, I am here!"  And that is wonderful.  But I also need to gift myself with the precious time I need to stop and really listen.

When I spend time with the God of my heart my dreams come alive, because all things are possible.  I see my dreams as joyful possibilities that are already complete in spirit, but that I have the amazing opportunity to watch unfold on this physical plane.  The world, and my life, are my playground, and I am born again as a child to myself.

May you stop to hear the God in your heart that is your dreams, and may this tool be a blessing. . .

Monday, January 7, 2013

A Small Correction

In all the excitement of my book debut, the free promo date for my book Daily Spiritual Tools, Healing the World, was pushed back a day.  You can buy it today for $5.99 or get if for Free on my Author Page on January 8th; sorry for the inconvenience.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

My Latest Book is Now Available!

I'm excited to say that my latest book, Daily Spiritual Tools, Healing the World, is now available as an e-book on Amazon.  Normally priced at $5.99 there is a promotion happening to herald its debut.  
On Monday, January 7th,  follow the link in this post or just visit and you can get my book for free!

I wrote this book because I believe that people around the world are connecting in their hearts with hope, aware at a very deep level that we are healing, personally and globally.  At this point in our human evolution, healing our world and all who inhabit it is the most important and sacred thing that we can do.  On the surface the task seems too vast to even consider, and we literally do not know how to begin.  But as humanity moves forward in its unavoidable evolution to knowing ourselves as the beings of light that we truly are, we get closer to knowing the true power we have in creating a world that works for all.

The tools contained in Daily Spiritual Tools, Healing the World, are meant to help the reader become more aware of their true identity as a being of light and love.  

May you know yourself as a person of good intentions, compassion and peace and allow these tools to nurture and support our collective path as we heal the world.

Please share this book with friends in order to spread the message that the best is yet to come.



Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Healing the World in 2013

December 21, 2012 is behind us, and the world is, not surprisingly, still intact.  There will always be periods when fear takes up a good deal of our collective awareness, and that is as it should be, because large-scale fears of doom provide very potent opportunities for us to choose even more intentionally what truth we will serve.

I remember another period of fear that happened not too very long ago; it was called “Y2K.”  My son was 10 at the time, and worried about all of the predictions he was hearing.  On New Year’s Eve I remember telling him that throughout history people have predicted the end of the world, but we are still here.  And I explained to him that when people confront their fears and walk out the other side they are better for it, because they grow in their awareness of what is true.  He understood that, in his way, even then.

I work in healthcare and interact with many people every day, and I am struck by how many people in the past month have said, “2013 is going to be a really good year.”  Collectively, we recognize the energy and know it to be true.  The end-of-the-world hopelessness that has affected us, even though it was mostly unconscious for the majority of us, has past, and people recognize a new beginning, which is exactly what the Mayan calendar was all about – the end of one period, and the beginning of an entirely new and different one.

I believe that people are connecting in their hearts with hope, aware at a very deep level that we are healing, personally and globally.  At this point in our human evolution, healing our world and all who inhabit it is the most important and sacred thing that we can do.  On the surface the task seems too vast to even consider, and we literally do not know how to begin.  But as humanity moves forward in its unavoidable evolution to knowing ourselves as the beings of light that we truly are, we get closer to knowing the true power we have in creating a world that works for all.

I write this on December 31 2012, the 27th Annual International World Healing Day.  It began on December 31, 1986, at noon Greenwich Mean Time, when 500 million people on 7 continents, in 70 countries, from 500 spiritual and peace-related organizations, took part in the most comprehensive prayer in history, creating a global mind link aimed at reversing negativity on many levels (taken from the website).  Our Unity Church took part in this worldwide prayer this morning, as we do every year.

Some time after the 1986 beginning the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute reported “remarkable progress toward a peaceful world,” manifesting as a “break in the pattern of a constant increase in the number of major conflicts with which the world had grown accustomed.”

From our limited individual perspectives, this may not seem like truth at all.  It often seems as if conflict continues to increase in both frequency and severity, but in looking back over just my lifetime I see that that is not the case.  We are definitely more bombarded by it via the Internet and our immediate access to information.

Regardless of appearances to the contrary, we can, and we are, using the power of our collective intention for good to move without error toward the truth of who we are, Divine Creators made in God’s image, manifesting through the physical.

I leave you with a world healing meditation used by many on December 31 every year.  Click here to view the meditation.

May you hold the light of your intention on healing yourself, our world and all of humanity, and may this tool be a blessing. . .